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Murder Criminal Defense Attorney

The Situations When You Need a Criminal Defense Attorney for Murder


One of the most serious charges anyone can face in the criminal justice system is murder. The maximum sentence you can get under the law is death. The consequences of these cases are severe and you need an attorney on your side that specializes in murder cases. Here are those times when you need to contact a criminal defense attorney that specializes in these cases.

If you are a suspect in the case, you want to call a criminal defense attorney to help you right away. We will ensure that your rights are respected and you are treated fairly. The police are building a case against you and you need a team on your side that levels the playing field. We will do our investigation to make sure that all of the proper procedures are followed.

The Law Office of McKamey and Williams is on your side. You work with skilled attorneys that know the law and have handled these cases before.


We have a proven track record of getting results for our clients and will do the same for you. We have five-star reviews for our knowledge, professionalism, and experience, Contact us now to schedule a consultation with a skilled criminal defense attorney.

Criminal Defense Lawyer for Murder

You are a Suspect in the Case?


You have the right to have an attorney present during all questioning.

The police will not arrest you right away unless they have conclusive proof that you committed the murder. Instead, they will investigate, interview witnesses, and talk to you about your involvement.

Criminal Defense Attorney for Murder

Your Property is Searched

If the police show up with a warrant and do a search is when you need to contact the murder criminal defense attorney in West Palm Beach. We will come to your location and find out what is happening. You don’t have to answer any questions without having an attorney present. We will make sure that your rights are respected and that the police don’t overstep their authority.

Our team will go over the warrant, the actions taken, and if anything was beyond the power of the police. We will use the actions of law enforcement against them. For example, if your home is searched and the police failed to tell you who they are or that they have a warrant are grounds for an illegal search. The police must tell you why they are at your home and show you a copy of the warrant. Anything less than this, increases the chances that we can get the search and any evidence collected from it thrown out.

Get the Help You Need Fast

These are some of the times when you need to contact a murder criminal defense attorney in West Palm Beach. Contact the Law Office of McKamey and Williams today at 561-220-6708 and put our knowledge and experience to work for you.


The law requires proving you guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. We are skilled in raising this doubt so you can avoid serious prison time or the death penalty.

Do you need legal help? Contact us now.

Patrick McKamey and Craig Williams Criminal Defense attorneys Florida

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